Lost Children of Anunnaki confirmed– They carry genes from unknown species
On October 20, the American Society of Human Genetics held its annual meeting and the conclusions they reached can be easily described as staggering. The...
Watch: What You Need to Know About the Anunnaki, the Ark of Covenant, and Anti Gravity (Video)
This short clip sums up the historic timeline of the Anunnaki, the creation of Mankind and how the Ark of Covenant is involved in all this. It also shows...
Watch: The Moon Isn’t What You Think It Is – What Ancient Human Civilizations Said About the Moon
Past civilizations of many continents speak concerning the time before the moon arrived and thus provided for tides, seasons and optimal conditions for life. Nonetheless, there is...
The Secrets of ‘Enki’— The Creator of The Human Civilization
Enki (“En” Lord, “ki” Earth), or Ea (“E” Temple, “A” Water) is one of the three most important gods of Mesopotamian culture. He is the...
WATCH: The New World Order Is an Alien Agenda
Certainly, what’s talked about above may be no more than unfounded fables, so don’t lose your sleep yet because of it. The truth is, it’s...
Here’s 8 Reptilian Traits In Human Beings
According to Sumerian legend, the Anunnaki genetically manipulated our genetics and created three versions of what we know as mankind, today. The Anunnaki may have...
Watch: The Complete Anunnaki Timeline Explained (Video)
Based on numerous archaeological discoveries: artifacts, records and monuments found in the past by experts, it is believed that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came...
Watch Leaked Video Footage Of 12.000 Year Old Anunnaki
On the territory of Iran ( Persia ), they discovered artifacts that may completely change the current understanding of the historical past, culture and technology...