spiritual test
TEST: Choose an Animal Archetype – what you need in order to fulfil your spiritual destiny
Welcome to the Test of the Northern Witches: We are going to describe what kind of help you are going to need, in order to...
QUIZ: Are You A True Spiritualist?
How deep do you consider your spiritual practise and where do you consider yourself to be sat in the universe?
Are You The Chosen One? 9 Qualities Of A Spiritual Warrior
What does it mean to be a Spiritual Warrior? This term has been used extensively in various spiritual circles and traditions since ages. A spiritual...
Test: Pick Wings & Find Out Your Real Powers
Every person has his hidden talents and qualities, but many are not even aware that they own them. That’s why there are these tests! Although...
Quiz: What Is Your Spiritual Type?
“What’s your faith?” It was such a easy question to reply. However now you could be “spiritual but not religious”–or raised in one religion but...
QUIZ: Choose Your Favorite Zen Picture to Receive a Powerful Message and Achieve an Inner Growth
Relax and breathe deeply, connect with your essence, ask yourself a question and choose the picture that appeals the most to you. It will bring...
Choose Your Favorite Mandala and Reveal Your True Qualities!
Mandalas reflect a certain state of the world inside a person. Mandalas are circles which Buddhists use to represent the Universe and they are seen...
TEST: Choose One Card For A Preview Of Your Upcoming Week
Get ready for an “interesting” week ahead! To see what this upcoming week may hold for you, select the card that calls to your soul....