The Dark Side of Empaths That You Might Never See

If life were a River that ebbed and flowed from creation above to the tide of tomorrow below. Happiness and abundance would be the serene and quiet flow of wondrous valleys, inversely, anger and fear would hold the tumultuous ravines from the rocky shoulders of mountains, as their manifestation in part. Most people can go through life only ever feeling their existence as a babbling stream or a dribbling brook, where they never feel a fullness or richness of the energy and love that could spout freely and maximally over the terrain of our choices or experiences. Empaths on the other hand, not only feel the torrential flow of their own grand river, but they feel the power and movement of all the waterways they come in contact with.

When an Empath goes out into the world from the safety of their own home, they knowingly go out and take on the feelings and subtle energies of reality and everyone that comes within their general vicinity. They feel what every body they can see, feels. They almost can know what other people will do before they do it, just because they are so in tune with the subtle ebbs and flows of life that they predict the future actions of others, with an almost pinpoint accuracy. These strong individuals that do this daily, they do it out of love and they do it knowing it may come at a price.

What they do, is energy vacuum, though also they are energy radiators. Empaths have the ability to affect the vibe and mood of wherever they are, with what they transmit and radiate from within themselves. They have a tendency to mop up the dingy or dirty (negative) energies and if done right, take it within themselves,  transmute it then radiate it back out as clean and positive light. This doesn’t always happen though. If the Empath is not strong enough or hasn’t trained themselves on how to handle the huge amounts of negative energies they deal with, then they end up experiencing massive surges of dark thought and/or emotion.

These generous beings are at constant odds with the balance of light and dark in their own lives. They are constantly submerged into more dark energies and the shadows of reality because of their abilities to always see the light and to be able to turn darkness into love light. Though when one of them becomes too thoughtful of their actions, they boast their gifts around and they become prideful of the loving selfless acts they accomplish, then they fall deeper into those dark paths and actions. Here, they will find the rare dark side of empathy. Here, they will meet the shadows of the ancient primordial energies. Here, they will meet their inner demons.

In this Shadow Realm of Empathy, these beings will feel the weight of the souls of all those they could be helping, only if they would ground themselves back into the present moment again and cease to be selfish. The Empath feels the drain of their energies and light and becomes worn, down trodden and even physically fatigued or ill. Experiencing this rare eclipse doesn’t mean one must reside shrouded from light, for accepting it and remaining in it, is where the true depths of despair roam. This dark side makes an Empath see life in such an abysmal skewed perspective, a view in which everyone owes them something for the duty they perform. They start spewing negativity, anger, and fear due to the very emotion, thought, or energy they are ignorantly radiating from their egotism.

here are repercussions for acting in this manner, consequences that manifest throughout the collective for resonating this fear and anger. The negativity that is transmitted from these powerful people can send ripples through other’s and ping off them with a symmetric flow. Doing this tips the scales of light/dark that much easier towards the black and shadows of darkness and in fall out, undoes the perfect balance and order of existence and extinguishes the light of love in life. As an Empath, one must be an example, one must be a torch bearer of the light. They must choose to light the path in the midst of darkness.

There are some great and effective ways of avoiding this extinguishing light in the dark areas of your empathic abilities. One of which is the meditation on a daily basis, on what you feel and differentiate between others thought/emotions and your personal thoughts/emotions. After becoming skilled in this, you can move onto discerning between what you are thinking and what you are feeling. Dissecting energies like this will help you learn what to hold onto and change, with your perspective and light, and will give you a much firmer grasp on handling the stresses that come along with such powerful gifts. The ability to control your mood and emotions due to the frequencies you emit from your core of being is by far the most useful and effective skill one could master, some have an innate hold on this while others may struggle through their whole life attempting to grasp it.

Which are you, one that knows their true light and has never experienced this rare darkness in empathy? Or have you been there and never want to go back?


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